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@jrfjr imagine a movement called black guilt...its detestable- as is the phrase white guilt - Funny how we ever were trained to call people by color & not by ethnicity or Country of origin- Socially engineered divide & Conquers -" A man dont got to be Black or white , thats right! A man dont got to be White or black, And thats a fact"- James Brown AKA Soul Brother NO.1

@DotardTed Thanks for the link tho ill deffinatly be covering this HORSE SHIT!
<3 Peace & love

@DotardTed THIS IS FUCKING STUPID!!! the real vaxine apartheid IS TAKING RIGHTS FROM THE UNVAXED AND ANTI VAXXERS LIKE ME WHO REFUSE TO BE EXPERIMENTED UPON WITH MRNA ALTERING TECH never used on humans before....Do you plan to get the vax? Cuz if so i feel fucking bad for you and your family brother...please wake up! THIS IS DISGUSTING THEY HAVE TAKEN OUR PHRASE OF VAXINE APATHIED AND TURNED IT ON ITS HEAD TO PROMOTE FUCKING UGENICES! GOD DAMN RACSIST UGENICS IN POOR NATIONS ! hey man i run a few podcasts myself....ill check this out & maybe you can check out my stuff & we can swap cast

A Swedish professor of epidemiology has quit researching COVID-19 after facing fierce backlash over his findings that the illness poses a low threat to children — undermining the political argument that schools can’t reopen.

Jonas Ludvigsson, a professor of clinical epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute, said he has lost sleep as a result of the “angry messages through social media and email...”

Billionaires and the parasite class look at humanity as vermin...that is why cancer runs rampant while a FLOWER THAT GROWS IN THE EARTH (weed,cannabis,pot) can CURE IT! Lets Cure cancer- Lets get rich doing it....lets save Canada....

DOWN LOADING Canadas Bill of rights- FIRST IMPRESSION? LOOKS LIKE A F*CKING PLACE MAT AT A CHEAP RESTAURANT @ a truck stop- Check it out 4 yourself! 1 Page - barley half a page really.... NEW POLL COMING SOON!

DOWN LOADING Canadas Bill of rights- FIRST IMPRESSION? LOOKS LIKE A F*CKING PLACE MAT AT A CHEAP RESTAURANT @ a truck stop- Check it out 4 yourself! 1 Page - barley half a page really.... NEW POLL COMING SOON!


@furgar steam power is hundreds of years old...we dont need the mans electricity and i doubt a few fires is that bad for the environment as apposed to gas combustion engines

@DotardTed EVEN a 9mm or .22 as long as it puts holes & breaks the sound barrier- its gunna make it hard for the rapist or Ugenesist wielding a bioweapon needle💉🧬☣ - to stay HARD

@furgar i gotta tell you, i would just get a trash bag and popa squat - or perhaps if i was luck use a 5 gallon pail with the trash bag- but i gotta shit & nothing will stop me - LMAO people really need to wake up and get off THE MANS electrical grid- Solar & Wood Stove - bolth can generate electricity if you know what your doing- and with a fire place you never go surprised at texans...i thought they would all have a fire place- SOMETHING TELLS ME THAT STORM WAS MADE BY HAARP

@furgar they probably think that happening as a result of global warming 🙄🧐 Little do they know- the bear is just doing his part to reduce pollution - But he doesn't think that CARBON CREDITS will help keep His Summer home In South pole any colder or his Moscow Homes air any cleaner when he goes for his Daily Jog


@DotardTed the best argument i can think of to any proclaimed liberal or lefty Socialist justice warrior -Why cant a woman defend herself is shes about 2 get raped?

ok so U agree she should be able to- Hw can she wen most attackers are much stronger then the Avrg woman whos UNtrained in martial arts/self defense?

tazers & pepper spray put the vic at risk of being shocked if in phs contact- & the Spray often back fires- also it wont disable many attackers-CANADA needs FIRE arms Self DEF laws

@furgar this is whats gunna happen to ma fuckers pushing the lockdowns... keep pushing the Lady you gunna get the legs...they are asking for a kick gotta send em flying 🤣?

@furgar Thats nature- the stupid get eaten-& crocs well, lets just say Clogs were never ment to be made of foam...see with a Dutch wooden clog this poor bastard would still be clogging around drinking diet Pepsi & Playing Pokemon hes Gator Grub

Sure we All condemned the BLM Looting and fires- but what will happen if VAXINE PASSPORTS are made a requirement for buying food? WE MAY HAVE NO CHOICE MARLY-This morning I woke up in a curfew
Oh God, I was a prisoner, too - yeah
Could not recognize the faces standing over me
They were all dressed in uniforms of brutality, eh

How many rivers do we have to cross
Before we can talk to the boss? Eh!
All that we got, it seems we have lost
We must have really paid the cost

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