[<3] boosted

@LevitheMechanic I see you over in Mattermost, I guess this is the backup to the backup :)

@Truthzilla Keeping my courage and love strong for us all. <3

@admin Hey also in reference to the Joe Rupe LTV ep, I'd love to read a female role in 1984 if you guys go that route! <3

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On a car ride, listening to the Blaise Kennedy episode :)

@laserone you can reply with the left arrow under the comment, but it doesn't show up how we are used to on other platforms. Seems like you have to go back over to your personal feed to see it? I'm still getting the hang of it.

@admin @Jbird I'm working with an android. No armaroq. What does Mast do?

@Jbird Same! Just feeling it out :) Did you download an app? Tusky seems solid

[<3] boosted

Alright folks, cheers D-Ron and Graham for getting this vehicle on the road, good vibes y'all

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