Joshuad22 boosted

A buddy of mine started a pest control business. He has also been huffing gas since HS.

I can finally recertify as a BAT in Washington State
Stupid mask policy.

My girlfriend painted this for me..I'm a wastewater operator so it's funny.

Joshuad22 boosted
Joshuad22 boosted

Interesting video about the weird, stringy clots they're pulling out of dead vaccinees.

Joshuad22 boosted
Joshuad22 boosted
Joshuad22 boosted
Joshuad22 boosted
Joshuad22 boosted
Joshuad22 boosted

Show 353 is a gem
The second half (@≈ 2:15 Adam brings to the floor the first time he noticed a school being locked down for a security threat, emphasis on the word "lockdown"

Show older

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