Long thread incoming:
1.) So, this is for those curious as to what’s been going on in my life and why I’m so desperate for prayers. Maybe no one cares, but I really need to vent. Below is a synopsis that I wrote in preparation for a potential lawsuit against certain parties. From what I have learned, attorneys don’t like going after other attorneys, so this could get really ugly.

2.)To top all this wonderful stuff off, I got an email yesterday that my father’s evil second wife and her spawn of Satan children are suing me and my siblings. Another long story that I won’t get into. Yet. Here goes:

3.)“In September of 2008, my father, WB, passed away. He left me a sizable inheritance, and stipulated in his will that a sum of the inheritance be put into a Generation Skipping Trust for my children. In September of 2009, my husband and I elected to have the firm of H&B draw up the trust. The trust went into effect on September 28, 2009.

4.)After the death of my father and consequent to the inheritance, our taxes became too complicated to entrust to the accountant who we had been using for the years prior. We hired GR, of H&B to prepare our taxes.  Over the next 10 years, it appeared to us that he was a stickler for the most minute detail, even calling or emailing me asking for cost bases for trades, of which I had no clue to what he was referring and had to direct him to contact my financial advisor for the answers to…

5.)his inquiries. Mr. R. prepared our taxes with H&B until 2018 (2017 tax year), when the firm was sold to the law firm of VB. He then completed one return with the new firm. In that year, I had to pay extra for a "check" of the return by another tax expert at the firm. In total, over 10 years, I paid attorney R., et. al., over $22,000 to have my taxes expertly prepared, or so I thought. Unbeknown to me was that the Generation Skipping Trust had its own Tax ID.

6.) Fast forward to January of 2022. I received a letter from the IRS stating that the WB Generation Skipping Trust had not filed a return for the 2019 tax year. We had until February 9th to file the return. I called the VB office and was told attorney R. had retired, but was given his cellphone number. I called Mr. R. to ask if he had filed a return for the Trust, to which he answered that he didn't think so, but said that perhaps he didn't because the Trust didn't have enough Capital Gains…

7.) in 2019 that would have triggered a return (there actually were, as was discovered in the amended return).  In the years 2009-2018, I am certain that there WERE Capital Gains, as our personal taxes reflected huge spikes in income that we didn't earn, and subsequently owed taxes on, paid and will never recoup. I did not reveal to Mr. R. that I had discovered that the Trust had a different tax ID than my social security number, of which I had no prior knowledge before the IRS letter.

8.)It has since become obvious that there were NEVER any returns done for the Trust. So, this man/firm that we trusted and paid handsomely, who we thought was so detail-oriented, missed the biggest detail of all. Year after year. For ten years.

10.)We are now in the middle of the biggest financial crisis of our lives. We are both retired and we live comfortably, but modestly. Although another accountant had taken over the task of preparing our returns after 2018, we hired attorney AS of VB prepare the Trust return for 2019 and file an amended personal return for that year. Taxes and penalties were over $1000. (The accountant who prepared our personal returns for 2019 and 2020 apparently noticed the different  tax ID for the Trust,

11.)but because she had been given a copy of the 2018 return prepared by attorney R., she blindly followed his incorrect lead, also unknown to us at the time.) Additionally, we asked Mr. S. to prepare a Trust return for 2020 and amend our personal return. Also, we had him prepare a Trust return and amend the last personal tax return prepared by his firm, which was for tax year 2018. Our tax burden has increased another $10,000 (with more penalties and interest to come) so far.....

12.) We have another 9 years of past returns to file for the Trust. We can potentially handle the actual taxes due, but with penalties and interest, especially State of Wisconsin interest at 12% per month and going back 10 years, the financial burden will cause devastating hardship. We believe that the firms of H&B, VB and attorney GR should be held accountable and liable for any and all additional fees, fines, penalties and interest incurred by the gross negligence of Mr. R. perpetrated…

13.) on us over 10 years. The firm of VB should additionally prepare and file the previously not filed nine years of Trust returns at no cost.”

We’ve calculated, based on only 3 years of past returns, that our tax burden could be over $50k. Just 3 years out of 9, and that doesn’t include penalties and interest. With penalties and interest, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

14.) The thought of it leaves me breathless. Unless they do right by us, we’re screwed. I suspect that attorney AS, with whom we met on Thursday, already knows what this is going to cost us. The reason I suspect is he suddenly started calling me Denise, which is not my legal first name, and not the name with which I had been communicating with him. I asked how he knew to call me Denise, and he replied he had looked at GR’s past notes. All our tax files are still at the VB firm…

15.) So he must’ve looked through them. How does it take over two months to correct 2 tax returns and file? Another clue is that, although he was agreeable to begin correcting our other returns beginning with 2009 when I spoke with him in February, he was suddenly reticent and thought we should wait until when and if the IRS comes calling. We were aghast! The clock is ticking and the longer we wait, the more penalties and interest are accrued.

16.)At the conclusion of the meeting we brought up the fact that, because the blame for this fiasco lies solely on the shoulders of both firms and GR, they should be held accountable for any additional tax, etc owed, other than our own responsibility, and they must correct all the returns pro bono. He looked me square in the eye and said he understood, but that it wasn’t his decision and he would have to talk to his colleagues. Lawyers. Playing it close to the vest. He knows.


17.)So, add lawyers and accountants to my growing list of people I mistrust.



@DeniseE except legal man
Check out "the quash" so good

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