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Morning. So with the new swag shop once we’ve sold enough gear they will unlock hats and beanies. That is all

Darren boosted
Score, one for the people!

I love how it says it's for the safety of their employees, because masks are harmful.


#plandemic #scamdemic #selfresponsibility #truth #sayit
Darren boosted
Darren boosted
Darren boosted

First time I ever have had to burn sage in response to a half time show but I can't afford no bullshit these days

Darren boosted
Darren boosted

Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries Volume 1 and 2 both available now on audible and iTunes along with a few others. Check them out at @weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill right. They would be, that makes sense because it has all those metadata features available and I’ve switched them off. I could use come help, and would be willing to pay, how long would it take to clean it up? @weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill I am at the extreme upper edge of my current design capabilities @weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill so delete all the X stuff and type what is written in red? I don’t know how to read any of that stuff

@weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill it’s not a background image. It is a post carousel type thing

@weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill it’s the main page of

Footer ok. Looks good on desktop. Other pages look ok on mobile

@darrenoneill Is there something else other than WordPress I should be using?

@darrenoneill The images done properly fit in the screen on a mobile device

@darrenoneill i’ve tried adjusting the image size but it doesn’t seem to make a difference it looks good on desktop

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