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Darren boosted
Darren boosted
Darren boosted

Morning. So with the new swag shop once we’ve sold enough gear they will unlock hats and beanies. That is all

Darren boosted
Score, one for the people!

I love how it says it's for the safety of their employees, because masks are harmful.


#plandemic #scamdemic #selfresponsibility #truth #sayit
Darren boosted
Darren boosted
Darren boosted

First time I ever have had to burn sage in response to a half time show but I can't afford no bullshit these days

Darren boosted
Darren boosted

Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries Volume 1 and 2 both available now on audible and iTunes along with a few others. Check them out at @weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill right. They would be, that makes sense because it has all those metadata features available and I’ve switched them off. I could use come help, and would be willing to pay, how long would it take to clean it up? @weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill I am at the extreme upper edge of my current design capabilities @weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill so delete all the X stuff and type what is written in red? I don’t know how to read any of that stuff

@weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill it’s not a background image. It is a post carousel type thing

@weareallgonnadie @darrenoneill it’s the main page of

Footer ok. Looks good on desktop. Other pages look ok on mobile

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